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From academic advisement and monitoring to tutoring and counseling, these programs can match you with dedicated, experienced support professionals who will help you achieve your academic goals.

New York State Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)

You recently received notification that the Admissions Committee is currently reviewing your application for admission to Syracuse University through the sponsorship of the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP). The HEOP program has strict eligibility guidelines, along with limited enrollment. Before you prepare your HEOP application materials, please read the following important information.

To be eligible for HEOP, you must meet the following New York State criteria:

  • Have permanent residence in New York State
  • Possess a high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Attend and successfully complete a mandatory six-week summer bridge program
  • Meet NYS economic eligibility guidelines (see below)

Economic Eligibility Criteria*

Total # of Family Members (including head of household) Total Annual Income in Preceding Calendar Year
1 $27,861
2 $37,814
3 $47,767
4 $57,720
5 $67,673
6 $77,626
7 $87,579
8 $97,532
For each family member in excess of 8 Add $9,953

This chart is based on the HEOP/EOP 2025 income guidelines that apply to the 2023 income year for the 2025-26 entering class. It is subject to change. Families with accumulation of assets may not be eligible.

HEOP: What You Need To Do

In order to confirm your eligibility, promptly submit the following documents:

  • Complete and return the economic eligibility form and supporting documents listed on your Financial Aid To-Do list in MySlice. You may refer to the instructions in your Applicant Portal for accessing MySlice. Information reported on the economic eligibility form must be as accurate as possible or your final admission decision could be rescinded.
  • Submit the online application for New York State’s Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). You can access the application by going to the NYS Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) website at You must list Syracuse University’s HESC school code 0985.

Additional Information

  • If you are admitted through HEOP you are required to attend and complete a six-week summer bridge program on the Syracuse University campus. The University and HEOP cover housing, meals, tuition, and book expenses incurred for the six-week program.
  • Due to Syracuse University regulations, please be aware that incoming HEOP students are ineligible to practice or compete in inter-collegiate athletics during their first year.

Student Support Services

Congratulations on your admissions and your invitation to participate in Student Support Services (SSS) at Syracuse University. You may choose to attend Syracuse University with or without participation in Student Support Services.

Program Qualifications

Meet federal low-income guidelines
You must provide evidence that meets the federal low-income guidelines for taxable income (see below.) This evidence must be from financial aid applications and requested income tax or social security documents.

And one of the following:

  • First-generation college student
    If neither of your parents (or custodial parent in the case of a single-parent household) has a bachelor’s (four year) degree, you are considered a first-generation college student.
  • Student with a documented disability
    To qualify as a student with a documented disability, you must have acceptable documentation on file in the Office of Disability Services or present that documentation with your application.

Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines

(Effective until further notice)

Size of Family Unit 48 Contiguous States, D.C. and Outlying Jurisdictions Alaska Hawaii
1 $ 22,590 $ 28,215 $ 25,965
2 $ 30,660 $ 38,310 $ 35,250
3 $ 38,730 $ 48,405 $ 44,535
4 $ 46,800 $ 58,500 $ 53,820
5 $ 54,870 $ 68,595 $ 63,105
6 $ 62,940 $ 78,690 $ 72,390
7 $ 71,010 $ 88,785 $ 81,675
8 $ 79,080 $ 98,880 $ 90,960

For family units with more than eight members, add the following amount for each additional family member: $8,070 for the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia and outlying jurisdictions; $10,095 for Alaska; and $9,285 for Hawaii. The term "low-income individual" means an individual whose family's taxable income for the preceding year did not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level amount. The figures shown under family income represent amounts equal to 150 percent of the family income levels established by the Census Bureau for determining poverty status. The poverty guidelines are in effect as of Jan. 11, 2024. Federal Register notice was published Jan. 17, 2024.

The Student Support Services program has limited enrollment and is on a first-come, first-served basis. A SSS Checklist Cover Sheet will assist you in providing all required documentation.

SSS: What You Need To Do

In order to confirm your eligibility, promptly submit the following documents:

  • Complete and return the economic eligibility form and supporting documents listed on your Financial Aid To-Do list in MySlice. You may refer to the instructions in your Applicant Portal for accessing MySlice. Information reported on the economic eligibility form must be as accurate as possible or your final admission decision could be rescinded.

Contact Us

If you have further questions regarding HEOP or SSS, please contact us at 315.443.3867 or by email:

Contact HEOP

Bruce Williams Jr.

Contact SSS

Amy Messersmith